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Sunday Mornings (web).png

sundays at

9 a.m. | Sunday school 
10:30 a.m. | worship service

On Sundays at SGBC, we desire to make much of Jesus and His Gospel! Join us as we gather for worship, Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. All ages are welcome and encouraged to attend! 
Watch all of our services on our YouTube channel.

wednesdays at sgbc:
5 p.m. | free family meal
6 p.m. | Bible studY

We gather for Midweek Encounter each Wednesday evening. A free meal is offered for the whole family beginning at 5 in the SGBC Fellowship Hall. At 6, we study the Bible in small groups. 

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SoGo Bible club:

On Thursday afternoons we gather at South Georgia Elementary for SoGo Bible Club! Around 100 children join us after school for games, fun, a snack, and a Gospel-centered Bible story! 

Connect with sgbc

  • Facebook
  • YouTube

meet our staff

Calendar of events

5209 S. Georgia street
amarillo, texas 79110

office hours:
8:00 a.m.-Noon, 1 p.m.-5 p.m.

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