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The Pastor's Blog

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The Bible promises that God will protect His beloved children.

“Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).

“The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom should I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life—whom should I dread?” (Psalm 27:1).

“God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble. Therefore we will not be afraid, though the earth trembles and the mountains topple into the depths of the seas, though its water roars and foams and the mountains quake with its turmoil” (Psalm 46:1–3).

Paul, a Pharisee trained in the best Bible college of his day, had learned these promises. Better yet, he knew them experientially. After a riot in the Temple, Paul was placed in protective custody in Jerusalem. Roman soldiers were protecting Paul from religious militants, Jews who wanted to kill God’s man. Really? God used Roman soldiers to guard and protect His servant.

While Paul was being held by the Roman guards, Paul’s nephew overheard rumors of a sinister plot to assassinate the Apostle. The nephew, a “young man” (Acts 23:17), came to the barracks where Paul was housed. Hearing of the conspiracy, “Paul called one of the centurions and said, ‘Take this young man to the commander, because he has something to report to him.’ So he took him, brought him to the commander, and said, ‘The prisoner Paul called me and asked me to bring this young man to you, because he has something to tell you’ ” (Acts 23:17–18).

Privately Paul’s nephew revealed the evil plan to the Roman Commander. “ ‘The Jews,’ he said, ‘have agreed to ask you to bring Paul down to the Sanhedrin tomorrow, as though they are going to hold a somewhat more careful inquiry about him. Don’t let them persuade you, because there are more than forty of them lying in ambush—men who have bound themselves under a curse not to eat or drink until they have killed him’ ” (Acts 23:20–21).

What did God do? How did God work to protect His faithful prophet? God worked in the heart and mind of a godless Roman Commander! Here’s what happened…“He summoned two of his centurions and said, ‘Get two hundred soldiers ready with seventy cavalry and two hundred spearmen to go to Caesarea at nine tonight. Also provide mounts to ride so that Paul may be brought safely to Felix the governor’ ” (Acts 23:23–24).

God used the resources of the Roman army to protect Paul. Hundreds of highly skilled men, many mounted on fine steeds, ushered Paul from Jerusalem to Caesarea in the cover of darkness. Is there anything too hard for God? Is there anything that God won’t do to protect His beloved children?

God used the Roman army to keep Paul safe. And remember… God has promised to protect us too!



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