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The Pastor's Blog

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As Jesus traveled between the villages of Galilee, Peter and Andrew, James and John, returned to their work as fishermen.


It was morning, the sun already high above the horizon. The fishermen had “worked hard all night long and caught nothing” (Luke 5:5). They were tired, probably a little grumpy because they’d been skunked. They’d caught nothing!


With their boats pulled up onto the bank, they “were washing their nets” (Luke 5:2), the final task of the day. As they worked, the saw Jesus coming down the shoreline, a crowd following Him.


Jesus, seemingly without asking permission, climbed into the bow of Peter’s little craft and asked the weary fisherman to shove off, to push out a little from the shore. Anchored a few feet from land, Jesus sat at his floating pulpit and taught the listening crowd.


After completing His sermon, Jesus turned His attention to Peter. Put out into deep water and let down your nets for a catch” (Luke 5:4).  


It’s easy to know what Peter might have thought about Jesus’ suggestion. “You’re a carpenter! You don’t know the first thing about fishing! I’m a professional fisherman who knows every inch of this Sea. I know when and where to catch fish… you don’t!” That’s what he probably thought. Luke records what he actually said. “Master … we’ve worked hard all night long and caught nothing. But if you say so, I’ll let down the nets” (Luke 5:5).


Was Jesus a carpenter? Yes. But Jesus was also the Creator! After speaking the world into existence, on the fifth day of creation, Jesus said, “Let the waters swarm with fish” (Genesis 1:20, NLT). Did He know a thing or two about the Sea of Galilee and its inhabitants? Of course He did!


Peter was tired. He’d just washed his nets, and he’d have to do it again. The fisherman looked at the carpenter. “If you say so, I’ll let down the nets.”


Peter obeyed. He didn’t really want to, but He swallowed his pride. He submitted his will to the Master. “When they did this, they caught a great number of fish” (Luke 5:7).


“If you say so!”


“… think on these things” (Philippians 4:8, KJV).



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