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The Pastor's Blog

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The Seventh Sign

Jesus didn’t perform miracles to impress people or to draw crowds. He wasn’t an entertainer in a spectacular circus sideshow.

When He performed miraculous signs, there was always a divine purpose.

1. When He turned ordinary water into extraordinary wine, He wasn’t just doing a kind deed.

2. When He healed the son of the nobleman, Herod’s buddy, it wasn’t for political gain.

3. When he picked a man out of the crowd at Bethesda, it wasn’t to show off.

4. When He fed the multitude, it wasn’t so they would crown Him as their king.

5. When Jesus walked on the surface of Galilee, He saved Peter and the gang, but there was more to it!

6. And, when He healed the blind man, He was reminding us that we were all blind. Yes, but it was more than that!

The first six signs were each a demonstration of His Divinity designed to develop His disciple’s belief and trust. Jesus was proclaiming His ability and availability to save and secure souls.

At the end of John’s Gospel, he clearly and succinctly defined the purpose of His signs. Each miracle was a sign directing us into a saving relationship with an All-Powerful, All-Knowing, compassionate and merciful Savior! Jesus did these signs ... “so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name.” (John 20:31)

The seventh sign is exceptionally powerful and especially meaningful.

Lazarus, Jesus’ dear friend, was about to die. His sisters, Mary and Martha, called 9-1-1! They were certain that Jesus had the power to restore their brother’s health and life. They thought that Jesus would drop everything and come immediately. Strangely, yet strategically, Jesus tarried until Lazarus was dead.

Before starting for Bethany, Jesus huddled with His disciples and explained, this “is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.” (John 11:4, CSB)

There it is! The purpose of the seventh sign! “So that Jesus would be glorified!”

But hold on, there is more. Jesus made it even more clear.

“Lazarus has died, and for your sake I am glad that I was not there, so that you may believe.” (John 11:14-15, CSB)

I’m glad, too! A Savior that can call a corpse out of the ground is a Savior worth knowing ... trusting ... following!

Please, reread the Gospels. Let your heart be thrilled by Jesus’ power. And know, that each recorded miracle is a sign directed to you! Every miracle is a sign ... for you!



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